
A Quick Guide for New Homeowners with a Septic Tank

As a new homeowner, you’re probably excited to think about painting your walls, working in your yard, and generally getting to know your new home.

While it might not be on the top of your list, part of getting to know your home should include the septic tank.

If you’ve never lived in a home with a septic tank before, it’s important to learn the ins and outs of the system to keep it running well. One thing all homeowners understand is the importance of avoiding costly home repairs.

Taking good care of your septic system with thoughtful septic tank maintenance will do just that. Read on for your basic guide to understanding your septic tank and how to maintain it.

New Homeowners Should Know the Basics of Your Residential Septic Tank

Once you understand how your septic system works, it will help you better understand its maintenance needs.

Septic systems are relatively simple to understand. They are made up of three parts:

Sept tank
Distribution box
Leech field (sometimes called the drain field)
Waste from your home comes into the septic tank. The water level stays high long enough for the solid waste to settle to the bottom. This is why you need a regular schedule for cleaning the septic tank.

The wastewater will then flow into the distribution box, where it’s filtered and eventually sent to the drain field.

Septic Tank Clogs

If you understand the impact of a clogged pipe on your toilet or kitchen sink, you’ll understand the impact of a septic tank clog.

Suppose you don’t set up cleaning a septic tank consistently. In that case, the waste from the tank can get into the distribution box, making it more challenging to distribute wastewater to the different parts of the drain field.

This can trigger a number of unpleasant and potentially expensive outcomes for you and your septic system.

Tips for Septic Tank Maintenance

As a homeowner, you can do a few things to keep your septic tank and system healthy and working well. Let’s take a closer look.

Inspect Your System and Get on a Regular Pumping Schedule

Like you might clean your furnace filters or maintain your landscaping, you should also inspect your septic system as part of your routine maintenance schedule.

Get your septic tank on a regular pumping schedule. Bow Valley Septic suggests pumping and cleaning the septic tank every 1-2 years, dependent on the size of the tank, how many people are living in the home, or how much water is being used.

Monitor Drains

Another tip to keep your system running well is to monitor what goes down your drains on the inside. You want to avoid putting any of these things down the drain:

  • Dental floss
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Condoms
  • Diapers
  • Cotton swabs
  • Cigarette butts
  • Paper towels
  • Fats and oils
  • Cooking grease

Keeping these items from going down your drain prevents them from impacting your septic tank.

Watch Drain Field

Another tip is to take care of your drain field area. Avoid letting shrubs and trees grow in the area. Avoid parking heavy vehicles on the drain field.

Any other drains from your roof, basement or sump pump should drain into an area away from the drain field.

Keep Your Septic Tank Performing Well with Good Maintenance and Care

Consider calling Bow Valley Septic for your septic tank cleaning services. We can help keep your septic tank healthy and working well for you.

Let us help you with all of your septic questions and maintenance services.

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