Do’s and Don’ts for a Healthy Septic System

If you’re having trouble maintaining your septic system effectively, you should read the following dos and don’ts mentioned below. These basic but effective tips, if followed, are sufficient to ensure a well-functioning septic system for years on end.

Feel free to contact us in case you have a question or want some professional aid to clean and maintain your drains.

dos and don'ts for a Healthy Septic System

Do’s for Your Drain Field

Don’ts for Your Drain Field

Know Your Septic Tank Better

Having a better understanding of your septic tank can help you maintain it well. The septic tank is the most vital element of a functional septic system containing pumps, alarms and sand filters. It takes regular maintenance to prevent the solids that sediment and eventually deteriorate your septic tank and bring its overall performance down.

Once these solids flow over to the liquid side of your tank, they can plug up or even permanently damage the septic pump, which is why it’s wise to call a professional if you face any such issue. To prevent such build-up of solids, you should religiously follow the do’s and don’t compiled above.

We’re here to help you with all sorts of septic system problems; contact us and tell us what we can do for you.